Systems Engineer
Systems Engineer Role
The Systems Engineer is responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining application software, system management tools, and operating systems. They develop networking and computing infrastructures, maintain operating systems, and manage existing systems. They are responsible for ensuring the availability of systems and infrastructure and providing technical direction to increase workplace productivity and create a successful system.
Salary Range
$50k-130k per year salary based on experience (USD)
Average salary is about $71k-98k per year (USD)
Average hourly pay is $34.13-47.12 per hour (USD)
Similar Job Titles
Hardware Engineer
Infrastructure Engineer
IT Engineer
Technical Engineer
Manage and maintain existing systems and infrastructure
Install, configure, and maintain application software, operating systems, and system management tools
Develop and install networking and computing infrastructures
Evaluate systems, provide technical direction to increase productivity, and ensure availability of systems and infrastructure
IT Services
Computer Hardware & Software
Government & Military
Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing
Banking & Finance
Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, informational systems, systems, or a related field. A Master’s degree in systems engineering or a related field may be required to advance to senior roles.
New York
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Systems Engineer Job Description
In an IT-enabled world, a good systems engineer (or administrator) is one of the linchpins of a company, ensuring that the technology works as it should. They are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining hardware and network infrastructure. They are responsible for streamlining systems, developing and implementing new technologies, and designing and implementing new systems and delivering mission critical infrastructure. IT systems engineers develop, evaluate, and maintain the systems and infrastructure required to operate a wide range of applications, including web, cloud, and mobile applications.
The tasks of systems engineers are aimed at developing and improving computer systems, including development, troubleshooting, and maintenance. These tasks include installing and supporting software for enterprise applications, debugging multiple systems, maintaining operating systems, supporting business users, and supporting software development. During the system development phase, the systems engineer defines the needs of stakeholders and creates algorithms. When the system development is complete, the next task is to test the system for bottlenecks. They may also be responsible for conducting a root cause analysis of business interruptions and recoveries, carrying out preventive measures and using risk management tools to initiate risk assessments and mitigations. The last stage of the system architecture cycle is maintenance, which ensures that existing systems are running smoothly and any problems with installed systems are fixed.
Systems engineers design and implement software for a wide range of information and technology applications. They are active in many sectors, including engineering, engineering management, information technology, business development, finance, and telecommunications infrastructure.
The systems engineer job description includes applying technical and information technology principles to test the reliability, performance, and security of hardware and software systems. This role involves assessing and preventing viruses that could develop in the software and providing the team with guidance to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Senior systems engineers responsibilities include using performance tuning and optimization methods to confirm that the system strictly meets the needs of the organization. The systems engineer identifies the technical features and plans required to ensure that all system engineering procedures work correctly and develops the systems from the idea stage to finished products. System engineers organize and lead the projects and instruct technical teams to perform their tasks throughout the systems engineering process.
A large part of a systems engineer job description involves effective management and leadership skills, as they are responsible for helping different parts of the organization integrate efficiently. The best systems engineers understand the overall picture of how systems are integrated and are able to identify inefficiencies, recommend improvements, and solve problems. They also carry out a high-level root cause analysis during the interruption of service and help get services and systems back online after problems have been resolved.
Project management skills are valuable in any systems engineering job, as system engineers play a central role in large projects that affect many different aspects of the company. System engineers are responsible for coordinating the work of other engineers, many of whom are experts in one part of the system. The systems engineer job description requires combining an understanding of technology and management with a desire to increase productivity in the workplace and a passion for innovation in technology.
System engineers do the same work as software engineers in developing customized software components. Software engineers create technical specifications for software programs based on a broad knowledge of information systems. They can also determine the development methods to be used, as documented in the software requirements.
System engineers play a critical role in managing complex projects from conception to completion. They solve complex systems engineering process problems such as the design, construction, and operation of installed systems as well as performing other systems engineering functions. The systems engineer job description includes overseeing the development of a system that meets a defined need and managing the many disciplines, departments, and groups required to make it a reality. For those looking to advance in their systems engineering careers, a Master of Science in Systems Engineering is designed to provide core competencies and leadership skills required for higher level positions.
Systems Engineer Job FAQs
What Is Systems Engineering?
Systems Engineers are multidisciplinary engineers that focus on designing, integrating, managing, and maintaining complex computer systems throughout their lifecycle for a company.
What Is the Difference Between System Engineer and Software Engineer?
A Systems Engineer focuses on the integration of computer systems holistically. Software Engineers integrate multiple software / applications into a final product. There is often some overlap of responsibilities in these roles, which is why it can be confusing to differentiate.
Does a Systems Engineer Code?
Yes, systems engineers code but are primarily responsible for hardware & operating system services. Their programming is mostly for configurations, management scripts, and domain specific language (DSL). Tools like Puppet, Chef, or Ansible are common.
Is System Engineering Hard?
Yes, System Engineers have diverse backgrounds, often with decades of work experience on complex computer systems. It is hard to design effective systems without a wealth of prior experience and the ability to plan all components and their interactions in a system.
Is Systems Engineering a Good Career?
Yes, system engineers are in very high demand and are compensated extremely well with salary & benefits. Their multidisciplinary role helps companies advance in any industry, which makes career path options & possibilities almost endless for an experienced systems engineer.
What Comes After Systems Engineer?
When Systems Engineers advance in their careers they usually become:
IT Manager
Network Engineer
Project Manager
Senior Engineer
Software Engineer
System Administrator
Systems Consultant
How Many Searches for Systems Engineer Happen Each Month?
Systems Engineer has approximately 27,100 search volume (SV) per month on Google according to an independent study conducted by redShift Recruiting.
There are approximately 1,900 candidates per month searching for this position that we can confirm.
There are approximately 1,600 employers per month searching for this role’s job description that we can confirm.
This does not include other major job board data, and only considers natural occurring Google search volume estimates.
How Many Systems Engineer Jobs & Job Seekers Are There?
According to Indeed Hiring Insights (May 2021): there are 13,461 open jobs posted by 3,459 employers hiring for 142,240 candidates looking inside the USA.
This means there are 11 job seekers per job on average for this tech position.
Recruiting Systems Engineers
NY, MA, PA, VT, CT, NH or Remote Nationwide