Systems Programmers
Systems Programmer Role
The systems programmer is responsible for the development, configuration, and installation of operating systems. They perform systems maintenance tasks, including loading software and upgrades, performance tuning, and error debugging. They test and evaluate new systems and software and customize computer hardware and software to meet business needs.
Salary Range
$53k-130k per year salary based on experience (USD)
Average salary is about $72k-90k per year (USD)
Average hourly pay is $34.62-43.27 per hour (USD)
Similar Job Titles
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Job Duties
Develop, configure, install, and upgrade operation systems
Perform system maintenance tasks, debug errors, and monitor system performance
Customize software and hardware to meet business needs
Automate operations
Test and evaluate new OS and software
IT Services & Computer Security
Video Game Development
Research & Development
Systems programmer job qualifications often include a Bachelor’s degree in computer science, database administration, software engineering, computer information systems, or a related field. A master’s degree may be preferred by some employers, especially for senior roles.
New York
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Systems Programmer Job Description
The primary responsibility of a systems programmer is to write the code that makes software run on computers and networks. The systems programmer also tests the existing system’s software to determine its continued effectiveness. Other systems programmer job responsibilities include eliminating viruses, maintaining antivirus software, and updating the system with the latest and most up-to-date antivirus and security system software available on the market.
System programmers, also known as system developers, are responsible for managing the internal workflows of a computer and its systems, which are vital for good systems administration. This could include using programming languages to develop diagnostic programs to find errors, or controlling the way the computer runs multiple applications at the same time. A computer system programmer who deals with the internals of an operating computer, such as a system administrator or a network administrator, is not only responsible for the system operation, but also for data management and data processing. Application programmers’ job description includes writing programs that process and manage incoming information from computers, databases, and systems, which may include everything from payroll data to scientific calculations.
A systems programmer writes the program that lets the computer work with the system’s software. They are responsible for monitoring, testing, and re-testing computer system software to determine its effectiveness and reliability. The systems programmer job description usually includes creating programs according to specifications designed by a systems analyst or determined from direct consultation with the customer. They create detailed descriptions of implementation requirements and perform analysis and programming tasks, analyze requirements, and prepare workflow charts with a variety of tools such as Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.
A computer programmer’s job description includes writing code that enables computer applications and software programs to function properly. The program design created by software developers and engineers is transformed into instructions that computers can follow. Project requirements are encrypted in computer language and entered into the computer as encrypted information. A systems programmer tests a newly created application or program to ensure that it delivers the expected results.
Programs running on a particular computer system often require special modifications to the mainframe operating system to ensure system performance and effective system administration. It is the task of a systems programmer to adapt hardware and software to meet these requirements without compromising the performance of other programs or the computer system as a whole. Other systems programmer job responsibilities include evaluating the performance of hardware or software, confirming functionality, memory management, task scheduling, and performing scheduled maintenance to ensure systems run smoothly and error-free. Periodically, hardware and software in an existing computer system also require updates, including middleware, applications, file system, and programs running on the operating system.
The programmer of the security system will perform advanced system configuration and may train the end user in functionality. The tasks of the programmer include recording the commissioning, maintenance, and servicing of the operating system as well as controlling system operation. A security systems programmer keeps track of all information used during system startup and in the event of system failure. They develop processes to ensure a minimum risk of service and computer system errors, as well as plan for the installation and maintenance of computer system software and hardware.
A systems programmer works effectively with a vendor's technical and marketing staff to evaluate, plan, and install software and hardware products. They write help files and solve technical problems such as configuration and maintenance issues. Collaboration with vendors of technical, marketing, and human resources services is also necessary during the evaluation, planning, and installation of software or hardware products.
A systems programmer can control and maintain the use of computers, systems, and software. They examine the program instructions and the computer’s ability to respond to them, as well as the performance of the computer system. They consult and support computer operators and system analysts in defining and solving problems with running computer programs. System programmers change existing software to correct bugs, adapt it to new hardware, improve interfaces, and improve performance and system administration processes. They analyze information to determine, recommend, and plan the future performance of existing and new computer systems. Software developers develop applications for operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows Phone, Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile. The systems programmer tests the newly created applications or programs to ensure that they deliver the intended and expected result, as well as enhanced performance and reliability. Application programming includes the conception, implementation and maintenance of applications and OS systems.
Systems Programmer Job FAQs
What Do Systems Programmers Do?
A systems programmer develops, configures, and installs operating systems. They perform systems maintenance upgrades, optimization tuning, and debug errors. They test and evaluate new operating systems and software and customize hardware and software to meet your business needs.
Is System Programming a Good Career?
Yes, being a systems programmer is a great career! However, if you have an interest in programming you may want to consider becoming a software engineer as they out-earn those who strictly focus on lower-level programming.
What Is Systems Programming?
Systems programming is comprised of layers: operating system (OS), software, and firmware. These enable a computer system to function as an individual computing unit for a user or specific task.
What Is the Difference Between a Systems Programmer and Application Programmer?
Systems programmers focus on software that communicates with other software and software platforms. Application programmers focus on software for the end-user directly. This technical difference equates to Microsoft Windows vs. Microsoft Word.
How Much Do Systems Programmers Make?
Systems Programmers earn $53K - $130K per year based on technical work experience. The average salary for programmers is $72K per year.
Are Systems Programmers in Demand?
Yes, all systems programmers and software programmers can expect to see a minimum of 20% growth over the next decade. Programming careers are ideal as technology continues to take over business operations in every industry and needs the support of development teams.
How Many Searches for Systems Programmer Happen Each Month?
Systems Programmer has approximately 1,900 search volume (SV) per month on Google according to an independent study conducted by redShift Recruiting.
There are approximately 170 candidates per month searching for this position that we can confirm.
There are approximately 50 employers per month searching for this role’s job description that we can confirm.
This does not include other major job board data, and only considers natural occurring Google search volume estimates.
How Many Systems Programmer Jobs & Job Seekers Are There?
According to Indeed Hiring Insights (May 2021): there are 439 open jobs posted by 216 employers hiring for 9,950 candidates looking inside the USA.
This means there are 23 job seekers per job on average for this tech position.
Recruiting Systems Programmers
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